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Online Payment Center


  • Use this form to submit a payment to University of Arizona Fast Copy. Please do not send your credit card information over email.

  • Enter the amount you would like to pay in the Payment Amount field. All other fields are optional, but please provide as much info as you can.

  • Click on Add to Cart and proceed to checkout. You'll be connected to a secure server to charge your credit card. None of your card information will be stored.

  • You'll receive a receipt by email within seconds after posting your payment. If you have any questions, please call our store: (520) 621-5306. Remember, never send your credit card info over email...it's not safe!

Job Type


Send Your Information

Please wait while your files and data transfer to our site.

To cancel, close this window.

Our LAUNCH! Web Helper application will start shortly. The transfer window will appear shortly and automatically send your file.
   Windows LAUNCH! Web Helper   Windows LAUNCH! Web Helper  Transfer Status Bar
   Windows LAUNCH! Web Helper  Transfer Status Bar
   Mac LAUNCH! Web Helper   Mac LAUNCH! Web Helper  Transfer Status Bar
   Mac LAUNCH! Web Helper  Transfer Status Bar
If the Helper fails to start, try clicking here or download and reinstall.

Once the transfer has started, click 'Close' to add more items or checkout.


File Details





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