Within your program simply select the File menu’s Print option. (You already do this when you print a copy on your inkjet or laser printer). Simply change the printer to the one named "PBP PDF" and click OK or Print. That's it! No need to start-up e-mail. Your file and job requirements will be safely sent to us AND you will see an immediate proof. Ready? Follow the simple instructions below.

Step 1.

Download Print Driver

Step 2.

  How to Use File > Print with your application

Questions? Please call us at 508 674-4166.

 Your job is important. Why risk virus and tamper prone e-mail? Our Professional Business Printing print driver is a safe, more secure way to avoid these problems. It's free and guarantees your files safely arrive in our shop looking exactly as you intended. Plus you see an immediate proof. That means no waiting, no guesswork, and no worry. Best of all, it uses the software you used to create the file (i.e. Word, PageMaker, Publisher, etc.). It's easy.

Alternative Method (No instant proof)

Send your native application files to us.

Step 1.

Be sure to include your fonts and image files. We need them to print your job correctly.

Step 2.

Compress your files with Stuffit, WinZip, etc. They will transfer faster to save you time. (If you cant compress your file that's OK, we can help. Just go to Step 3.

Step 3.

Attach your file here: File Transfer page

Note: Remember to include all your fonts and images and compress your files first.

Questions? Please call us at 508 674-4166.