Save time by printing your documents directly to us.

Windows logo Windows (All Versions)
LAUNCH! logo  The "One-Click" Driver - Installation Instructions
Print this page for reference during the installation.
  1. Click the button (below) to begin the download.
  2. Save the installer to your Desktop.
  3. Run the installer by double-clicking it. Follow the on screen instructions during the installation.
    Note: You must have administrator type permissions in order to install drivers.
  4. Overwrite? - 'No to All'. Click "No to All" if you are asked to overwrite any files.
  5. Register Helper? - Yes. Click "Yes" when the 'Register Helper' window appears.
If a message reports that the print driver did not install, simply click your browser's File>Print command and look in the Printer list. If our print driver is listed, ignore the warning.

 How to use our print driver. (Mac & Windows)